Decomposing isolation mechanisms


Comparing and Building Flexible Isolation Mechanisms


After sixty years of operating systems evolution, we continue to find new and different isolation mechanisms: threads, processes, containers, virtual machines, lightweight contexts. Even applications provide isolation mechanisms: a JVM is a user-level process that provides isolation units whose API is Java bytecodes; some browsers offer units of isolation between each browser tab.

We ask whether we really need to have N different isolation mechanisms or whether instead, we could develop a model in which all these different mechanisms represent points on a continuum. If we could do that, then perhaps both compare and find new isolation mechanisms. The project has the following goals:
  • Develop a theoretical model that depicts an isolation mechanism in a high dimensional space.
    • Compare isolation mechanism using this model: Early result show that the model is a Graph, with nodes for resources, and protection domains, and there is a partial order between the different mechanism's depictions
    • Explore the space to identify novel points that satisfy a desired performance, and security trade-off.
  • Implement the model in seL4 and Linux: Wiki for the prototype OS CellulOS
  • Formally verify the model in Verus.

Sid gave a lightning(gong) talk at HPTS2022 based on this work. A prior version of the model is in our Arxiv submission, and SOSP 2023 Poster. Stay tuned for the latest model.

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Systopia lab is supported by a number of government and industrial sources, including Cisco Systems, the Communications Security Establishment Canada, Intel Research, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Network Appliance, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, and the National Science Foundation (NSF).